Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Even nonprofit social justice activists get the blues

On our last visit to the Cheeseboard, I asked the ever so friendly cheesemonger for a taste of Roquefort to see what the big deal was about this classic blue.  And the thing is, I still don't get it.  For me it was overpowering and pretty one note especially compared to my favs which include Big Woods Blue and the DIVINE Bayley Hazen.

I realize that I actually have cheese preferences, when it comes to blues.  I don't like dry, crumbly cheeses.   Those types of cheeses like a Roquefort and Maytag Blue seem to just taste salty and musty.  The creamier cheeses have more complexity to me and a sweetness that balances the pungent flavors of a blue.

This leads me to my first love when it comes to blue cheeses - gorgonzola dolce.  This is the blue that I measure all other blues against. I love the creamy texture and adore the sweetness.  To me there's more depth of flavor and more flavors bouncing off of each other in a gorgonzola dolce.  Compared to a cheese like this, the Roquefort I tasted just tastes musty.  The gorgonzola dolce just sings with flavor and seems to highlight other foods like figs, prosciutto, and breads.  It's a tried and true cheese for a cheese plate.

As I start reviewing blues, keep those preferences in mind.  I am more than happy for our dear readers to disagree but now you know where i am coming from.  

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